Monday, October 27, 2008

Turns of Phrase

by Gregory Hurley
Owing to my interest in words and how people use them:


the vehicle through which acts and words are made true and permanent?
an inherently good indicator often ironically juxtaposed to reveal an evil?

i made this up and it sounds nifty...but what does it mean?
i want to know what "Bible-ink" would mean to you...what significance do these words together hold for you; how do YOU react?

"The pastor's words flowed like Bible-ink among the leaves of the great oak under which his congregation stood, transfixed."

ok, maybe, but

"Crisp and gray, geometric clouds of another world were they: the carved letters of the headstone were immutable as the ink in a Bible to Darla Snicker and her son."

hmm, similar, now...

click for the passage i hastily penned wherein i came up with this crap:
so i got back up onto my knees and finally my feet but they hurt and this thing was eight pieces of junk and chickenwire. a '65 hood with the '66 hinges stuck out over the grille like every hick's buckteeth i'd seen this side of the Alleghenies. i was mad and finished tossin around since the Levi's were already cozy with my dirty hands today, and this is exactly what Merv wanted. time for the pitch. bad joke. now and not before was when Earthshaker saw me not looking at him and offered uneasily, "We-lll! Ha!" no-lies now. "No lies for ya son, we figger ahhhh, hunnert or two, two, ah, thrrrrough-" and then he was looking dead straight behind my ear so i ducked. the ground hit my chest and everything rolls, twice. my eyes are boxing gloves and they are ready and the Colt is a missing limb found now and then it is over. dust returns from its terrible hiatus in the air and all 304 pounds of Shaker is gone in my Nova. fucking how? later. this guy's sixteen years old and still holding a nailed up baseball bat: "'Badger' Basson's 500th!" his blood is on a hotrod in hell but up here it still slowly spills, carves the dirt dooryard like bible ink. I don't have my keys, either.


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